Reduce the Clutter in Your Mailbox

Junk mail is a major problem in America. It's causing clutter in our homes, it's costing us money for disposal of what doesn't get recycled, it's wasting away our precious trees, it's taking up space in our landfills, and it's taking up our valuable time. On average, we spend 8 months opening junk mail in the course of our lives!

I've put together a list of online resources to help you reduce the clutter in your mailbox. You can either take the time to do it yourself or, for a small fee, you can seek the assistance of an online service to help you.

The Direct Marketing Association (DMA)
(The single largest provider of direct mail lists)
FREE to register online. $1.00 to register by mail.
Catalogs & junk mail.

Bay Area Junk Mail Reduction Campaign
Download your FREE Stop Junk Mail Kit
FREE service! Catalogs only.
($25.00 one time fee) Catalogs & junk mail.
($19.95/year) Catalogs & junk mail.
* They plant 1 tree for each membership!
($20.00/year) Catalogs & junk mail.
* They plant 5 trees for each membership!

By using one of the above resources, you will see less junk in your mailbox very soon!

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